Monday, March 27, 2006

what's new and makes me blue

Some things that make me sad:
Where did all the empty storefronts come from? I can't even keep track. dick and jane, Discount Records, the Discount Den, the pelmeini place (although the sign says they are coming back), the import clothing places on the 100 block. And now there's a Fuddrucker's moving in on the 700 block? How on earth will an open topping bar work? I cringe thinking about it. Yucko. And another thing that I want to support, but consistently disappoints - Barriques. I am an Alterra coffee fiend - but even that tastes weird there. What are they up to? Why can't they get it together like Soleil, which is perfect example of what I need in a sandwiches, coffee and pastries, except on our side of the square?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Jamie's Lives On?

There may be hope for Jamie's, yet. Word on the street is that there is some kind of custody case over the shop and that it is open again, with limited hours. My best wishes for a speedy cookie recovery.