Sunday, March 16, 2008

best slice ever

I tried a new-to-me slice at Ian's yesterday and it is my new favorite. I am not sure exactly what was on it, but from what the pizza guy told me and from what I could see and taste, it had a kalamata paste for sauce, diced tomatoes, garlic, maybe roasted red peppers, and pecorino romano cheese. Wow. The salty of the pecorino with the meaty kalamata and the juicy diced tomatoes: pizza trifecta.

Everyone at work (and the greater Madison area) is more than sick, so I washed it all down with some vitamin water and was feeling quite healthful by the time my lunch hour was over.


Unknown said...

Sounds good! Almost sort of a puttanesca kind of thing.

Meant to pop by here and say hi, and I don't think I ever did. You commented on one of my posts, and I figure foodie librarians in Madison gotta stick together (with you and me, I know of three now).

Pinky said...

Thanks for popping by, but as you can tell, I never update my blog. So many new things on State St. and my last post was in Feb.? Shameful. But I'm definitely a foodie.